Sunday, June 23, 2013


I’ve discovered a new psychiatric condition. It’s called Post Traumatic Layoff Disorder, PTLD for short. Perhaps the American Psychiatric Association or whoever classifies these things should look into it. Considering the masses of workers who have been laid off since 2009, I’m sure I’m not the only one who is suffering from PTLD.

I got the idea for this when I was talking to a friend about my recent apprehension about losing my job. She mentioned that it could be due to my previous layoff, similar to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Now before you start to howl that I’m being self-absorbed and silly (and you’d be right), I am not comparing PTLD to what soldiers go through when they come home from war, or what an accident victim feels after their trauma. What I am saying, is that anyone who has gone through a traumatic event, and losing one’s job for no good reason qualifies, is bound to be hypersensitive to the signs their job is in jeopardy.

You know, like when you hear two douchebag executives talk loudly about the “future of” your department. Then have an all-afternoon meeting on that topic.

Or when your new CEO has embarked on steady and systematic program of staff cuts and outsourcing. Or when you read an email about “budget cuts from on high.”

So, no, I don’t think I’m being paranoid or crazy (well, not completely). Putting all those elements together, I think it’s quite logical to assume the future of my division is being, at the very least, discussed and that a shutdown is certainly one possibility.

I even read an article recently that noted that people who are laid off from one job are highly susceptible to being laid off again. Something to do with being the last one hired, first one fired when companies make cutbacks. Also, the article speculates, workers who have been laid off are so desperate to find work they will take the first job that comes along, without really thinking if they are suited for it. That leaves them even more vulnerable to a layoff.

Now, it’s possible nothing will happen in my case. It’s possible the All White Males Club has tabled any discussion for a future date, leaving me in limbo for the foreseeable future.

So what can I do? Well, I’m trying to stay positive, or at least not be grumpy and negative to the people around me. I remain conscientious and committed to doing good work, even though I know that will not save my job.

I can only hope that my current bosses will not torture me for two months like my previous bosses did. That was heartless and unnecessary. They knew they were laying me off, why heap gratuitous cruelty on me in the meantime?

Yes, I can reach out to some contacts about the possibility of getting another job. But that’s a tricky endeavor.  Will there be a job waiting for me? Will they help at all? Or will they simply dismiss me with the typical, “Sorry, but good luck.”

Should I start clearing out my desk now? Ask if my job is being eliminated? Continue to wait and worry?

So dear readers, what do you think I should do?

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