Thursday, December 16, 2010

Bah Humbug,Part II

Since this is my second Christmas without a job, I figured I’d impart some advice to the unemployed during the season of overspending.

First, do not suspend your job search. Keep searching. True, companies may wait to fill positions until after the holidays, but that’s no reason not to get your resume in front of those doing the hiring. You may face less competition from those who have decided to wait until January to apply for jobs. Just today I went on a job interview.

Yes, the holidays can be stressful even under the best of circumstances. There is so much pressure to find the perfect gift and have the perfect family gathering. Add to that the anxiety of trying to find a way to buy gifts without a steady paycheck, and it’s Bah Humbug time indeed.

But you can get through the holidays (without resorting to too much alcohol) and even buy gifts for friends and family. Here’s how:

Use Your Points. I’ve mentioned this before (“The Point System”), but it bears repeating. Use the points you’ve amassed on your credit cards to get gift cards. I got $120 worth of gift cards by redeeming my points. You can get gift cards for department stores and restaurants. There is sure to be something a family member or friend will like.

Make a List…and Cut it Twice. It’s sad but inevitable, but some people will have to be left off your list this year. But the good news is you won’t have to buy gifts for former backstabbing co-workers or duplicitous bosses.

Set a Limit. In my case, I spent more on my immediate family. But for all others, I set a limit of $5 on each gift.

Wait Till Next Year. After the holidays, buy half-price Christmas cards or ornaments. If by some miracle you have a job next year, you will have saved some money on those items.

Should You Re-Gift? HELL YES! Just make sure you are not passing on something that is obvious crap. (Jars of jelly? Really?) If it’s something you think another person will enjoy or can use, why not?

If You Can’t, Don’t. Look, your family and friends know your situation and will understand if you don’t get them a gift this year. In this season of spend, spend, spend, it’s easy to forget that we give gifts because we want to, not because we’re obligated to. As much as we would like to buy everyone a great present, sometimes we simply cannot. This is one of those times.

And buying fewer presents means less time in the stores and having to listen to those irritating Christmas jingles.

So, try to enjoy the holidays as best you can. Spend time with family and friends and remember the holidays aren’t about the presents or even goodwill toward men.

The holidays are about one thing only: THE FOOD!

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