One week on my new job and how do I feel? Anxious, stressed out and overwhelmed. But I suppose that is normal considering how long I was out of work.
It took three days for my new company to deliver my computer to my cubicle, which is small, dingy and stuffy. I tried to keep busy, but without a computer it was difficult.
I guess I’m also feeling a bad case of buyer’s remorse. Is this the right job for me? Will I succeed? Again, that is probably normal.
I’m also getting used to a whole new set of office dynamics. The people in my office are friendly, but no overly so. No one offered to help me set up my computer. I hear very little chitchat among the staffers. But that may not be a bad thing. I’ve gotten myself into trouble being too nosy with co-workers and putting my foot in my mouth. Better to just do my job and keep my mouth shut.
I also fear having to learn a whole new set of computer programs. This Mac Girl is learning the ABCs of PCs and it won’t come easy for me. That’s on top of getting to know the actual job itself. No wonder I’m stressed.
My rule of thumb has always been that it takes at least three months to get comfortable in a new job, to the point where you feel confident you know what you are doing. Not that you know everything, it’s just that you don’t feel acute anxiety every time to step into the office.
I just have to remember that I was out of work for over a year and it will take time and patience to get readjusted to the working life.
Some other observations:
• While I do have a decent working wardrobe, it’s a pain to put on those clothes every morning.
• I used to commute on the bus to my previous job. Now, I drive, which means I must pay attention on the road. Good thing the drive is fairly short, about 30 minutes.
• Parking at my new office is nonexistent. I have to pay to park at nearby parking lot. Very expensive.
But it will be nice when I get that first paycheck.
Has anyone else felt the same way after getting a job after a long stretch of unemployment?
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