Frankly, I’m getting a bit sickened by what is going on in Washington, D.C. Our so-called leaders are supposed to discussing how to tame our monstrous national debt. But they seem more interested in sliming the other party instead of working out a deal.
The Republicans seem more intent on putting the blame on President Obama so they can win the next presidential election. They also seem to care more about protecting tax breaks for corporate jets than helping the average working person.
They would rather cut benefits for unemployed people and seniors than making Wall Street fat cats pay a penny more in taxes. Shameful.
Meanwhile, the Democrats aren't coming off much better. Yes, they want to protect entitlement programs, like Social Security. Good. But the deficit is out of control and some cuts must be made. Why not make Social Security and Medicare a means-tested program? Those who have more resources should pay more. Raising the retirement age is another reasonable option. Again, the Democrats aim to make the other party look bad…and the Republicans are making it easy for them, I must say.
This all brings me back to the unemployed. If a debt deal is not done, states will surely cut unemployment benefits. Not good for someone who has been out of work for a year or more with no hope of getting employed again.
Most ominous of all, if the nation defaults, companies will cut even more workers, killing a fragile recovery and pushing the unemployment rate even higher.
Some politicians, mostly Republicans, think unemployed people are lazy. Not true! We want to work. But if their corporate benefactors won’t hire, then we can’t work. We need jobs. But companies are more concerned with piling up profits, not keeping people employed.
Hey, if the NFL owners and players could get a deal done, why can’t our politicians? People will suffer all because of their political game of chicken.
So, please, get it done, guys!